Summer Recycling Quiz
With the summer holidays approaching and the kids at home a lot more, there’s going to be more waste. So get them involved in your recycling process (or better yet, get them doing it for you). It’s all about educating the next generations so that we can create a more sustainable future for all. Take our fun quiz and teach them some interesting recycling facts to get you started.
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What can you ‘keep going’ with recycling just one glass bottle or jar?

Recycling just one glass bottle or jar can make a big difference, but which one of the facts below are true
Recycling one glass bottle or jar saves enough energy to power your computer for 20 minutes.
How many two-litres plastic bottles does it take to make a recycled fleece jacket?

Can you believe it?? It takes JUST 25 two-litre plastic bottles to make a recycled fleece jacket.
Recycling is so important, but why do we recycle as much rubbish as we can?

There’s only one planet Earth, and once we use up all of its useful resources, they’re gone forever. It’s getting more and more difficult and more damaging to make use of some of these resources, so we need to reuse as much as possible.
Which of the below is true?

A little effort can go a long way. Every time you recycle something it makes a difference and the more we do it the better it is for our planet.
Recycling one aluminium can, will save enough energy to...?

Recycling a single aluminium can saves enough energy to run a television for up to 3 hours. So please don’t forget about the cans next time you have a drink and make sure you put it into the red recycling bin.
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Congratulations! You’re a recycling superhero! Keep up the good work and why not share your knowledge with others, so we can all be better recyclers.

Not bad! Recycling is a tricky subject, particularly in the bathroom area. Don’t get flushed though, we can help. Together we can do it! We have lots of rubbish tips and blogs to help further your knowledge.

Whilst there are some gaps in your recycling knowledge, you could still be doing some great things to prevent our landfill sites becoming overwhelmed. So it’s not all rubbish. Check out our blogs and rubbish tips or follow us on social for more useful advice.